Walker Between Worlds

Nina Soaring Vulture
From an ancestral line that stretches across Persia to Mongolia, Nina’s roots run deep in the ancient culture of mysticism and Shamanic practices. She comes from a long line of mediums, with the ability to walk in both the physical and spiritual realms.
Guided by the ancient wisdom of the ancestors of Çatalhöyük and the Sufi mystics of Islam, Nina found her calling at a very young age. Her path in life has had many test and trials by Spirit, in order for her to receive the groundwork for her path in life. With the guidance of the vulture, Nina found her calling in Olomeh Gharibeh & Shamanism. She works with clients, assisting them with their personal healing. Nina feels by her continued process of awakening to her own life, she has the opportunity to guide, assist and support others as they awaken to their own lives.