Walker Between Worlds
"As a professional psychic, I can say without any hesitation whatsoever that Nina is the real deal--gifted, connected and called by Spirit to do the work she does. It's even in her bloodline! Make an appointment with her and you'll find yourself sharing your experience with everyone you know."
-Spiritual Intuitive Duann Kier
I have had several experiences with Nina's mediumship and she was spot on. I will definitely be going back for more of her services. Her sense of truth, personal honor and genuine caring is evident in everything she does. I love how she blends several modalities and paths into her incredible talent and always comes from a place of love. Nina is the genuine article. The ancestors are strong with this one!!
-Karen Parker
"Nina is absolutely amazing!!! Her gifts are real, and they are powerful. She did an intuitive reading, a spirit journey, and a soul retrieval for me, which has made such an astounding difference in my life. In addition to her amazing gifts of healing, Nina is such a beautiful, gentle, nurturing soul. I highly recommend her services to anyone who needs assistance on their spiritual journey!"
-Latricia Jones, Artist